AMAZING Like Niagara Falls

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lucia M of Singapore - debuts next week!

If you're wondering what is happening, I've been busy getting my second book published. Some computer glitches, so that my corrections and editing were not saved & went to the printers minus the edition. Finally the printer realized it had something to do with a defective program that I was using. Glad to report, everything has been ironed out.
Lucia M of Singapore will now be in print by next Thursday? How many of you would like to see the front and back covers?  Next weekend, there will be a book signing at the Book Stop in Ottawa, Ontario for 2 hours, commencing at 11.30 am    So if you're looking for Christmas presents for your family or friends, drop me a line and I would tell you how you could obtain a copy or the set of two books.

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