AMAZING Like Niagara Falls

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Year of Possibilities??

Yes this is what I wish for all my readers, especially the readers who have supported me. I am very grateful for what I have received in the year 2009 - the ups and downs, the many challenges - they were sometimes not pleasant but that did not stop me from achieving some of my goals, especially writing and self-publishing these novels. Now I can add that 50% of the copies of each novel have been purchased.

My little tip for all of you - if you think you can, you will and if you think you can't, you won't! Do not put limitations on yourself or your worth. I think each of you deserve the best and you were created out of love and if you doubt that, please send me an e-mail and I will attempt to show you that you were created from Love!
Wishing each of you a Joyful and Healthy New Year!
PC Nicholas


cindy said...

Happy New Year and congratulations on the success of your novels! You are absolutely right - "If you think you can, or think you can't, either way you are right." Thanks for the inspirational message. cgn

nothingprofound said...

Thanks, Agape! Same to you! Wishing you a joyous and fruitful New Year.

Carlo said...

Hi Agape, a great posting here. I've been hearing alot about how 2009 was a bad year for everyone, but this post has made me rethink maybe it wasn't so bad because we are still here. 2009 is a testament in the story of will power and pulling out of all odds. Congrats on your novel.

PC Nicholas said...

Thanks Cindy and Carlo - you have a great year ahead of you! Blessings! google8ce165c91c11d10e.html