AMAZING Like Niagara Falls

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Family Band

I thought this would be my New Year's treat for my readers and followers of  TransformYourLife. This is the complete poem taken from my latest novel,  LUCIA M OF SINGAPORE.   I have had interesting comments from those who have bought my novel on this opening poem. So enjoy and comments would be appreciated.

                                                                     The Family Band
As fingers of your hand differ,                                                           
             so do members of the family band.
Each with a unique contribution,
            as fingers in a hand do work.
If the Hand was all thumbs or pinkies
           Oh what chaos that would be.

Pull one part of the hand,
           the rest follows in quick motion
Negative - the vibrations
          that weaken the family band
Positive - the vibrations
         that infuse health to the family band.

Copyright/2009 PC Nicholas


nothingprofound said...

Yes, we all have something unique to contribute. If we were all alike, all pinkies or thumbs, we'd lose so much in strength, variety and flexibility.

Admin said...

I agree with NP and appreciate the message given in this short but amazing poem. google8ce165c91c11d10e.html