AMAZING Like Niagara Falls

Monday, April 19, 2010

Still in a State of Flux

It has been 2 months since I last posted. It seems like a vacation from a state of flux is what I need now. It is definitely what I want. So I am planning to go on a educational vacation this September. Does that make sense after I just told you I want a vacation now?  Perhaps it will, if I tell you what's happening.

I've moved to a temporary lodging while I'm in the process of finding a more permanent one. So going away for a vacation is out of the question. However, I don't have to go away...
The location of my present housing is where tourists flock in the next few weeks for the Tulip Festival. This area becomes a beautiful,  huge, spring garden with varieties of tulips, daffodils and other spring flowers in landscaped beds. Then, there are decorated boats floating on the canal just a couple of minutes' walk from where I live.

As I took a walk by the canal, the yellow buds on the trees is already making the landscape surreal. and the canada geese were gliding gracefully along the shallow waters.The purple martins were scouting their territories in the different trees by the canal. Some people were even sun-bathing on the slopes near-by. Oh Yes, my vacation has already begun!

In my next post, I will write about the reviews, I've received from my second novel Lucia M of Singapore.
PC Nicholas


Nathan said...

The Tulip Festival! I have heard so much about the beauty but I have yet to check out the sights for myself. My plan is to move to your city in the near future so hopefully I will get to see many Tulip Festivals.

It is nice having you back to blogging. I have always enjoyed your posts.

Finally, congrats on your second book. I am looking forward to reading it.

PC Nicholas said...

Thanks Nathan, and more to come on the Tulips. Hope your literary project is progressing! google8ce165c91c11d10e.html